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Clergy Coaching
Coaching for Today's Pastors
Pastors are under more pressure than ever, especially since the onset of the pandemic. You may be struggling with practical aspects of leadership, such as overcoming resistance, envisioning new directions, and healing the wounds of those you minister to—as well as your own.
Samaritan provides one-on-one coaching through an integrative approach in all of these areas. ​We are committed to helping pastors of all denominations become healthier, better leaders of more vibrant congregations.
What are some of the issues pastors commonly bring to coaching?
Feeling “stuck” in a particular ministry framework
Diminished creativity
Personal and professional balance
Finding and articulating “next steps” (“Where do I go from here?”)
What does the coaching process entail?
In addition to encouraging, guiding, and holding you accountable, Samaritan's clergy coach addresses specific areas to help pastors achieve success. These include:
Articulating goals, values and direction
Forming a healthier spiritual awareness
Improving your community and congregation’s health and vitality, as well as your own
Refining your leadership skills
Developing more effective ways of responding to personal and congregational struggles
Gaining a better understanding of church dynamics
Identifying and capitalizing on your skills and unique gifts
Capturing and regaining energy for the tasks you have been called to do
Creating actionable steps
Call our main number at 888.200.9746 to schedule your appointment.