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Resources for Pastors

Nov. 2022

Webinar: Preaching to Those Who Are Walking Away


What do people want to experience in church? How do we bring back the ones who prefer to stream the service at home wearing their pajamas and sipping coffee? How do we fill the pews with younger adults and families?

Our culture has dramatically shifted in how we communicate. People aren't getting what they need out of passive listening to someone behind a pulpit. Many proclaim that they are spiritual, not religious, and that they are not having spiritual experiences in church.


Are we telling our members where they need to be, or are we addressing the struggles they're having in getting there? Are we creating an environment where people can experience God?

Jim Kitchens, a consultant for The Center for Healthy Churches, and The Rev. Dr. Graham Standish explore ways to move from a passive, intellectually oriented sermon to a message that speaks to your listeners' emotions and need to grow spiritually. 


Sermon in Church

"We help pastors discover and create new avenues for growth that they didn’t see before.

Oct. 2021
Webinar: Sustaining Your Pastor for the Long Haul

Hosted by the Synod of the Trinity, this gathering of church elders and members offered an opportunity for churches to consider how they can minister to their pastors so that they feel renewed and restored for ministry. Presented by The Rev. Dr. Graham Standish


Video 1: Reducing the Pastor's Load

Video 2: Valuing Your Pastor

Video 3: Creating a Better Context


"Pastors have emerged from the pandemic feeling overwhelmed and often unappreciated. 


Videos and Articles


By The Rev. Dr. N. Graham Standish, PhD, MSW, MA, MDiv


Online Worship for Pastors


Prayerful Decision-Making


Pastoring in Viral Times


Ministering in a Time of Crisis


Video (below): Pastoring in Unprecedented Times

Insights for Healers

Fall - Dealing with Darkness


April 9th - Living in the Present Moment

April 2nd - Attachment vs. Detachment

April 30th - Abandonment and Surrender

June 26 - Will vs. Willpower


Pastoring in Unprecedented Times.

Pastoring in Unprecedented Times.

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